The Master Antioxidant - Guess Who?

Studies illustrate that glutathione is “the most important molecule we need to stay healthy and prevent aging, cancer, heart disease, dementia and more, and necessary to treat everything from autism to Alzheimer’s disease.” Yet most of us have never heard of it and without it we are vulnerable to oxidative stress, the precursor to many disorders associated with inflammation, allergies and disease.

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A Neurological Approach to Reading Difficulties (& Other Learning Struggles)

From a neurological or brain development perspective, the struggle a child may have with reading is often a symptom. Indicating that the issue at hand is the result of something else in the brain not quite working as it should.

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Tension, Cervicogenic, Hormonal, Migraine, Concussion, Sinus or Cluster headaches... What's your flavor?

Tension headaches, hormonal headaches, cervicogenic headaches, cluster headaches, classic migraines, post-traumatic (concussion) headaches, sinus headaches. What’s your flavor?

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Understanding Intolerances. Why does everyone react differently?

Intolerances are a sign that your body isn’t functioning as well as it should be, and if we want long term relief from our symptoms, we need to peel back the layers of the onion & address these intolerances or allergies at a functional level.

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The G word. GLUTEN. What's the deal?

In my line of work I test for food tolerance if it comes up as a priority, and waaaay too often, (I actually haven’t done the numbers but I’m guessing it’s high up in the 90 percentages somewhere) clients show up gluten intolerant. But WHY?

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