Why is nutrition so important?

How you choose to eat and supplement has an astounding effect on your overall health and wellbeing.  

One major factor in achieving optimal health is having a body which is thriving nutritionally.  The most obvious step toward excellent nutrition is having a good daily diet.  This is simply what you put into your body each and every day, what fuels your body or what your brain and nervous system is running on! When your body is depleted of nutrient dense, pesticide free, wholefood, it cannot possibly perform well, & it cannot be expected to heal, grow or detoxify.  Understanding this will help you to make good food choices and to take control of your health.  

It is true, due to the way foods are processed nowadays & the fact that our soil is so depleted of the nutrients our bodies so desperately require, due to time constraints & convenience, we so often miss out on many of the vital nutrients our bodies need to run at a high level and to stay well.  It is also true, that once an imbalance has developed within our body, it may need some extra help with correction or an extra boost or kick in the right direction that we can’t get from our everyday diet.  In this case we are happy to give advice &  recommendations for nutritional supplementation to help meet your nutritional needs. 

A component of nutrition that is not often considered is toxicity.  The toxins that our bodies face on a daily basis from our diet and our environment.  These may include indulging in too many of lifes simple pleasure i.e. sugar, caffeine, alcohol or processed foods, exposure to chemical on our foods, in our cosmetics & cleaning products or environmental pollutants, radiation from devices in our surrounds like our homes & offices, normal hormones that our bodies naturally produce in the wrong amounts or an excess of certain micro-organisms within your gut & other organs.   Many of these imbalances can be avoided through lifestyle changes that will aid the detoxification pathways of our bodies.