How can we help with your emotional state?

The pace at which we live our lives, the thoughts we think, the dangers our body perceives & the nutrition & attitudes we use to get through our days are so often harming our emotional health.  Most of us experience our days with some level of stress, whether it was because we were late out of the house this morning, received or sent an email we’d rather not have had to or whether we were ACTUALLY chased by a tiger, we feel stressed.  Our days require constant action, leaving very little time for rest and rejuvenation.  The majority of stress for most people in the Western world today is psychological, and it can be constant and relentless & it can affect how our body digests, functions, performs & heals.  

At Aspiring Family Chiropractic we use Bach Flower remedies for the gentle and often instant relief of stresses that we experience in association with modern day life.  

Bach flower remedies were developed by Dr Bach in 1928.  He believed that illness was the effect of disharmony between the body and mind.  In the treatment of his patients he found that 38 remedies make up the Bach Flower set.  Rescue Remedy is a commonly known and used combination of Bach flowers.  

Discover a refreshing approach to emotional well-being with Soul Sense - intuitive energy healing.

By harnessing the vibrational frequencies of colors, Unicorn 2000 color therapy aims to rebalance and rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit. Through personalized color selection, individuals can explore and address emotional imbalances with gentle yet profound results. Through this non-intrusive and deeply transformative process, you can release emotional blockages and find greater clarity and balance in your life. Whether you’re seeking relief from stress, trauma, or simply looking to enhance your emotional resilience, this emotional therapy provides a safe and nurturing space for healing and self-discovery.